Places to Gather
& Socialize
This post is mostly about a very popular beer garden
in Lake View as well as other gathering places of entertainment such as picnic groves in the old Lake View area
Some Background:
Summer gardens were more commercial and elaborate,
patterned after the old world European beer gardens. There you might find
tables and chairs, food service, electric lighting, a stage, or even parking
for your horse in a covered buggy shed. Some like Riverview evolved into
amusement parks and more. An orchestra of 12 to 20 pieces were common. Many but
not all were on the north side catering to the German population.
Although there was a fuzzy line between a picnic grove
and a summer garden picnic groves were more often a mom and pop operation.
Many were simply behind a tavern with picnic benches and an outdoor bar. Larger
ones could include a beer hall, dance pavilion, a bowling alley, rides or
games. They could be found just about anywhere there was a vacant piece of
land. They could be found all over the city and it’s suburbs.
German-Americans, a dominant population at the time, were serious about their beer gardens. One of the largest groups of migrations to the City of Chicago and the Township of Lake View in the mid to late 19th century were the German-speakers of Europe. By 1890 one third of all the saloon-keepers of the City of Chicago were of German ancestry. The Saloon:
Public Drinking in Chicago and Boston,
1880-1920 By Perry Duis
A Strong Tie to the Fatherland
According a publication called Hidden History of Ravenswood & Lake View by Patrick Butler, "in 1914 one-third of Chicago's 600,000 Germans - most of them living in Lake View area - signed a resolution pledging Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph and Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm 'our unchangeable love of the home and Fatherland." From the city's beginnings beer and Chicago are nearly synonymous. In time most of the breweries built in the city were located on the north side near the border with Lake View township because the brewers discovered that area's topography was most favorable to building cool, underground 'aging rooms' conditions most suitable within a commercial buildings' basement.
The Most Popular Beer Garden
Bismarck/Marigold Gardens
to Marigold Arena
an evolution from a grand beer garden
to boxing/wrestling venue, to the Halsted Flats
Most of the following images are from Chicago History in
Postcards, Chicago Public Library, Ebay, and Chuckman Collection as well as from my own private collection
postcard - Ebay
Once called
DeBerg's Grove
since 1880
and apparently the
by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association
and after that ....
The Garden City House
The ethnic Germans of the old Lake View (1857-1889) and the visiting residents of Chicago liked to be social and loved to get their drink on! One in particular popular place to do just that was on the corner of Halsted and Grace streets
1894 Sanborn Insurance Fire Map
this establishemnt would expanded to Bradley Place by 1923
map zoomed from above
Bismarck Gardens was located at the southwest corner of Grace and Halsted Streets in newly formed District of Lake View from 1896 - 1923. The brothers Emil and Karl Eitel served a sizable number of German-Americans living on Chicago's northside
(Emil was a resident of the South-East Ravenswood neighorhood of the District of Lake View).
The park-sized space quickly became one of the city's most popular summertime beer gardens. It featured ample amount of shade trees, electric lamps, an outdoor stage and outside dance floor,
and of course plenty of German beer and music.
from Richard's Tourist Guide of Chicago
the 1904 edition
Google 2009 View of the Property
below that included the of Marigold Room now a house of worship, Ihop Restaruant, and the parking lot to the right of the photo now an apartment complex
2023 Google Map view
of the space
The only remaining building (Marigold Room) is occupied by Open Arms United Worship Center
image above - 'Challenging Chicago' by Perry Duis
by Jackie Arreguin
postcard - Ebay
zoomed from the above postcard
Summer Programs
by Professor Carl Bunge
who apparently specialized in Waltz's

Bismarck Company
finally owns its property
1914 ad below - Chicago Daily Tribune
Bismarck Gardens did have some problems with its neighbors much like the neighbors surrounding Wrigley Field today – parking and the noise! Other issues were WWI anti-German sentiment, labor strikes, and Prohibition Act of 1919. Bismarck Gardens had to renamed its' establishment to Marigold Gardens by 1916, in a response to rising anti-German sentiment in the city before and during the First World War. In 1923, Marigold Gardens venue changed with new management, and new entertainment. For a brief time during the late 1920's, the Gardens became known as Vanity Fair known for its cabaret shows. It was later well known by the mid-20th century for professional boxing/wrestling matches with another name change to Marigold Arena. One building, Marigold Room, still remains and used for a religious congregation since 1963.
photo - Chicago History in Postcards
The Bismarck Gardens' elegant and shady gardens have long since been paved over first with a parking lot since the 1960's and in 2014 by the Halsted Flats-the former garden area.With that the Eitel brothers owned another piece of real estate but in the Loop area of Chicago called Bismarck Hotel - now called Hotel Allegro Royal and the Old Hiedleberg Restaurant and currently called Argo Tea on Randolph Street. 
a 1905 advertisement
Postcard caption mentions a marble terrace
and 'ice cooled to 70 degrees'
Marigold Room was most popular of the rooms
postcard - Ebay
Summer Entertainment
in 1908
postcard - Ebay
postcards - Ebay
A Dog Show
in 1911
postcard above from
Chicago City of Neighborhoods via G. Schmalgermeier
A Fire and
Protest June 1913
postcard - Ebay
zoomed view below
Dogs on Parade
in 1913
Bismarck Company
finally buys the land under its feet
in 1914
in 1914
a dinner menu
a 1915 advertisement
in 1915
While the United States was nuetral in the war in Europe at this time I would imagine this event booth was not all that popular outside the German-American community
A German-American
Fest in 1915
The Famous
Carl Mahl Philharmonic Band
in 1915
The Open Air Terrace
in 1915
The New
Marigold Room
in 1916
a zoomed view below
1916 advertisement - Chicago Daily Tribune

Their Fashion Shows
were very popular
Dog Show
with Midwest Contestants

Postcard 1916 -
Chicago Daily Tribune Ads
No Booze on
Sundays in Illinois

A big deal for the Garden in 1915 
The World War I
German Empire's eagerness to have Republic of Mexico join the European War against the United States entry to the European war - this did not help German-American establishments in America. - Charles Vazquez via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
World War I years (1914-18) were years of difficult transitions for the Garden. The establishment almost closed entirely mostly due to hateful anti-German attitudes of anything German world-wide. Bismarck Gardens was named after the first German Chancellor Otto Van Bismarck of Germany. In Great Britain the royal family, due to public pressure, changed their last name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Sachsen-Coburg Gotha in German) to an English surname - Windsor. The 'gardens' popularity during the war years was the beginning of decline. The Gardens' owners also changed the name to an English sounding name - Marigold Gardens - named after one of their enclosed dining areas the owners renovated in 1916.
The Sentiment
from a book called 'Big Bill of Chicago'
And then their was Union Labor Unrest in 1917
The Day Book - Library of Congress
The Perfect Place to Protest
in 1917
article from the American Issue
A Bomb Plot in 1917
Demands to Change the Name
of their Beer in 1917
Trying to promote an allegiance
to the US war effort
to their German speaking customers
in 1916
photo - a Linda Woods contribution
Bismarck was the name of the royal prince of Germany and Marigold was the name of one the buildings of the gradens.The same sorta name change occurred in Great Britian in 1917 so to distance themselves from their German roots. 'The House of Windsor' became the new royal title in 1917 by a proclamation of King George V, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. It remains the family name of the current Royal Family. - The House of Windsor
The Name Change in 1917
Bismarck is out Marigold is in
ad below - Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago Daily News Ad 1918
3 photos above - Bid Start
Dorothy Jane Weeghman at a charity event in 1915
Little Ms. Weeghman's father was the owner of the Weeghman Park aka Wrigley Field - Daily News Archives
parking tip bandits &
honking on Grace Street in 1917
Chicago Daily Tribune Ads
photo below - Chuckman Collection
of the building from past to present.

The Chicago Tribune articles below
about it Evolution
Big Bill Thompson, a resident of Lake View East and candidate for Mayor of Chicago campaigns at the Gardens in 1915
Signage at Weeghman Park
aka Wrigley Field
photo with a zoomed view - Library of Congress
via Jeff Nichols, Forgotten Chicago on Facebook
Federal League Park (Wrigley Field) 1914
with rooftop advertisement from the 'garden'
(My Facebook Album)
sample pages
A Labor Strike
in 1917
Shows at Parks and
Gardens Advertisement
from the Chicago Examiner October 1917
advertised as Bismarck Gardens
Gay Shows at the
advertised as Marigold Gardens
as of Janurary 1918
zoomed from aboveWhere to Go of an Evening
February 1918
Support for the War Aliied Effort
in Europe
part of a full page Chicago Examiner ad
February 1918
zoomed segment belowMannequins of the
1920 photo - Chicago History Museum
Chicago Daily Tribune
advertisement in 1923
as of 1923
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
the property would remain in the same ownership
for decades but the venues would change for decades
a 2020 Google Map
Overlay shows vintage labels over modern landscape
A memory from The Open Arms United Worship Center, Dr KC Hill, pastor. His congregation occupies the only remaining building
once called the Marigold Room (on the right of photo)
The Vaudeville Years
late 1920's
Some of their Performers:
A Bio of one of their Popular Performers
The Marigold Gardens nightclub was managed by Henry Van Horne after 1923. He promoted a young woman named a Ruth Etting. She was born in 1896 and died in 1978, first was ‘pin-up’ girl later to be known as a singer/actor. Her husband was a Jewish-American gangster named Martin "Moe The Gimp" Snyder. The story of their lives was made into the movie called "Love Me or Leave Me" with Doris Day and James Cagney.
Their Star Performer
a 1978 article about her
A Review in 1922
bring your own
Linday Woods' Story
of her Great-Grandmother a contributor to LakeView Historical-Facebook
"Linda Wood mentioned: "My great grandmother was a dancer in the chorus and was friends with Ruth Etting.The first newspaper clipping I have is 1915, and my great grandfather played the trombone with Fred Hamm [Orchestra] in the mid-20s at the club. My great-grandmother was the wardrobe mistress for the Marigold [Gardens] and the other local dance palaces. I loved hearing the stories from my mom retold of those old days.
She is in the top row [of the above photo], third from the left."
photo - Linda Wood
highlighting her great grandmother
with a view of her great grandfather below
photo from Linda Wood with great-granddad on left
Fred Hamm and his Orchestra were a 'Big Band' from Chicago that was managed by Edgar Benson of Benson Orchestra fame. Hamm's Orchestra performed at the Marigold Garden
Listen to the sounds of that band and its era with
this YouTube link and this link - and enjoy the vintage sounds More Family Photos
from Linda Wood
photo below via John Crieghton
from Living History of Illinois and Chicago-Facebook
The Dry Years
The 18th amendment to the US constitution would follow some direr times for the Gardens. Months before the national law the mayor of Chicago, Big Bill Thompson agreed to band liquor on Sundays to conform with a State of Illinois that recently passed a law of their own in 1919.
The Ernie Young's Fall Frolics featured
A Cabaret Performances
by 1922
jjA Program Booklet
Listen to the
via YouTube
Listen to the
via YouTube
beer pitcher per Ebay
Beer mugs used at both the Gardens and their hotel - Ebay
A Narrative
of the Owners
in 1928
in Postcards:
The Bismarck Hotel
A New Era
for the Property:
Vanity Fair
In the late 1920's to the early 1930's this entertainment venue went through a lot of management & name changes. For a brief time period the old gardens became known as Vanity Fair apparently closed once and then would reopened again Advertisements
from The Chicagoan
A Review in 1931
from Dining in Chicago
the matchbook is part of my collection
advertisement below - Chicagoan
The New Vanity Fair
by 1932
The New Vanity Fair
by 1935
at the New Vanity Fair
The Boxing &
Wrestling Years:
with Another Name Changed to
Marigold Gardens/Arena
By the early 1930's through early 50's Marigold Gardens now called Marigold Arena became the location for regional and nationally acclaimed boxing/wrestling matches
Below is a Review
of the Arena's History in 1977
of this Time Period
Concerts during the Depression
a list in 1936
Boxing line-up card - (front & back) Ebay
a 1939 ticket
image - Ebaya 1940 Advertisement ...
from Ebay
Fights in 1942
photos - Ebay
reverse side
1949 ticket - Ebay
Boxing Newspaper Photo in 1949
1951 Press Passes
photos - Ebay1953 ticket below - Ebay
photo - Ebay

'Wrestling from Marigold is an American sports program
broadcast from the Marigold Arena [& outside area] in Chicago which aired on the DuMont
Television Network from Saturday, September 17, 1949, until March 1955. The
show lasted for either 90 or 120 minutes, usually on Saturdays at 9pm ET, and
continued to be broadcast on WGN-TV as a non-network show until 1957. The show
was broadcast live by WGN from Marigold in Chicago, produced by National
Wrestling Alliance promoter Fred Kohler, with play-by-play by Jack Brickhouse.
Vince Lloyd served as the announcer. Lloyd also did live commercials for such
products as Aero Shave. This was the last network TV broadcast of wrestling in
the US until Saturday Night's Main Event on NBC in 1985.' - Wikipedia

images above - Ebay
Jack Brickhouse in the 1950's
‘Wrestling from Marigold’
is an American sports program
broadcast from the Marigold (Gardens) Arena in Chicago which aired on the Du Mont
Television Network from Saturday, September 17, 1949, until March 1955. The
show was either 90 or 120 minutes, usually on Saturdays at 9pm ET, and
continued to be broadcast on WGN-TV as a non-network show until 1957 starring Jack
Brickhouse and Vince Lloyd. The show was broadcast live by WGN from Marigold Arena and produced by National Wrestling Alliance with promoter as the
Fred Kohler, with play-by-play by Jack Brickhouse and Vince Lloyd as the announcers. This was the
last network TV broadcast of wrestling in the U.S. until 'Saturday Night's Main
Event' on NBC in 1985 - Wikipedia
New Owners
in 1951
Boxing Continues
in 1954
Jiu Jitsu Classes
by the 1960's
takes over in 1963
photo below - 1964 Lake View anniversary magazine
Places that were
Near By:
The Wishing Well
Trail's End
Marigold Car Service by 1952
On the corner of Bradley Place & Halsted stood
Marigold Car Serviceimage - David Akiyama contributorpart of my collectionHarry Fischman LiquorsOn the southwest corner of Halsted Street & Bradley Place once stood Harry Fischman Liquors, a member of High/Low Liquors during the 1950's and then Foremost Liquors by 1966. Both stores had an address of 3766 N Halsted StreetPlanned in 2009
2011 northwest Google view
2011 west Google view below
2011 north Google view from Bradley Place
The New Look for
the Bradley Place corner
by 2010
the former Bismarck/Marigold Garden area
images via DNAinfo
This is the original proposed 'planned development' for
what was picnic grove area of Bismarck/Marigold Gardens. The grayish dwelling
drawing at the top right was the Marigold Room. The small grayish drawing next
to it is the pancake house
where the initial beer garden building stood.
The grayish dwellings are not part of the
proposed development.
began in 2012
photos - garry albrecht
photo - garry albrecht
photo north view from Bradley Place - Yo Chicago
Across the Street
on Grace Street ...
Marigold Arcade
during the same time the Marigold Arena
was sporting boxing & wrestling
Matchbook Cover - Ebay
photos - Dr. Jake's Bowling History Blog
a 2003 mention from ;The Rough Guide to Chicago;
The Replacement
The Other Beer Gardens
of the Area:
Kaiser Gaerten
across the street from the original Old Town Hall
1910 postcard - Chuckman Collection
postcard below - part of my collection
a 1894 map view below
zoomed view below
a 1923 map zoomed view below
Thielmann's Resort
& Gardens
once located at Lake View Avenue & Surf
built in the Township of Lake View as Fisher's Gardens
This beer garden/resort was a very popular summer place 1887 Sanborn Map Insurance Map
walking distance from the then existing lakefront
text - 1964 Lake View anniversary magazineHorse lost and found in 1891
The Press Announcement
in 1890
1886 revised 1891 Rascher's Atlas Map
notice Boat Loading Dock, Plank Walk, and Pavilon Platform jetting into the lake below
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
some press photos
from the Chicago Daily Tribune
The Fire in 1900
Franz Thielmann also owned
Lincoln Park Beach
apparently just an outside summer entertainment area
along with his resort buildings
postcard - Ebay
1893 ad below - Chicago and its Suburbs
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
this map shows the entrance off Lake View Avenue with a zoomed view belowzoomed further still below Some 1894 Advertisements:
Apparently by 1910 Thielmann's Lincoln Park Beach was closed
but with future plans for area by the city
The Rienza Garden
& Café
once the northeast corner of
Diversey & Broadway
610-38 Diversey (Avenue) Parkway

postcards - Ebay

The Rienzi Cafe and Beer Garden was located at east of Evanston (Broadway) Avenue and Diversey (Boulevard) Parkway. Emil Gasch was the owner and proprietor. The cafe was open from 1901 to at least 1916, according to a news report about the restaurant printed in the July 13, 1916, issue of the Logansport Pharos-Tribune. The Lincoln Park Plaza currently occupies this location.
postcards - Chicago History in Postcards
the beer garden space 1910
postcard above - Chuckman Collection
The Cafe Name
via YouTube
The Evolution in Detail
Business card front and back - unknown date Ebay
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
Picnic Groves
of Old Lake View:
photo & text above - The Chicago Food Encyclopedia
Samples of Some Picnic Groves

intially called Wright Woods
home of Camp Fry
a series of articles:
A Picnic in the Summer of 1860
Another Picinc in August
A 4th of July Celebration
in 1869
A Gathering
in 1871
A Musical Festival
of 20 Thousand Attendees
in 1881
In 1864 stood the mustering Civil War camp called Camp Fry that was once located in the area of called Wright Woods and then after the war the subdivision of area called Wright Grove to be later called simply Wrightwood. The area was from Diversey Parkway to Fullerton Avenue. Wightwood Avenue no bears its name if not its history.
text below - publication called the Lake View Saga
P.H. Hollingers Oak Grove
1357 W Belmont
post 1909 address of
1891 Rascher's Atlas Map
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
The Belmont
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map below
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
The Poplar
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
The Columbus
(no name indicated?) (list as a Summer Garden)
1894 Sanborn Fire Map zoomed below
Clark/Lawrence Location
(no name indicated)
*Rainbo Gardens was located north of Lawrence*
1887 Raschers Atlas Map
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
According the publication Hidden History of Ravenswood & Lake View (pgs 34-36) by Patrick Butler, in 1893 as a park not a grove in the then District of Lake View. According to a 1905 map below the park was a former picnic grove within Lake View Township [in the 1850's]. The picnic area was located at the northeast corner of Western Avenue at Berteau.
1905 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
*former picnic grove*
2023 Google Earth View
A Celebration of 71 Years
in 1945
According to Curbed Chicago, "[Henry] Harms bought the land in the late 1850's and used it as a picnic grove for many years, eventually putting up a family home (turned restaurant) in 1892. A year later, the land joined Chicago's park system. Forgotten Chicago details the $1.3M federal housing project nearly built on site in 1933, but the land came to sport single-family homes and a car dealership instead." & Picnic Grove
1887 Rascher's Atlaw Map
1905 Sanborn Fire Insurance Mapzoomed below
A Meet up at Biewer's Hall
in 1900
and later the location
would became
District of Lake View
Community of Uptown
once located at
4812-36 N Clark Street
"As early as 1894 this site was occupied by a small roadside restaurant that likely enjoyed a robust business. After all, the roadhouse had a prime location. It was situated alongside what was then still the main road between Chicago and the northern suburbs, Clark Street (formerly Green Bay Road), and stood across the street from one of the city's largest cemeteries, St. [Bonifacius] Boniface (dedicated in 1863). Like many of the other picnic groves that operated across the city's northern periphery during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Clark Street roadhouse would have offered weary travelers and cemetery visitors a welcome place to stop and refresh themselves before continuing their journeys or returning to the city. There was food in the restaurant, drinks in the tavern, and a spacious picnic grove outback. Two lengthy horse sheds provided visitors a place to hitch their horses and park their carriages."
1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed from above
The name "Rainbo" comes from its day as "Mann's Rainbo Gardens,” a high-class restaurant and dance venue. Shortly after the end of World War I, Chicago restaurateurs Fred and Al Mann (father and son) took over the site, which was then called Moulin Rouge Gardens. The pair changed the name of the place to Rainbo Gardens, reportedly in memory of Al's wartime service in the 42nd "Rainbow" Division of the American Expeditionary Forces. The Rainbo was a favorite venue of Mayor William “Big Bill” Thompson, who hosted many parties and rallies there.
- Forgotten Chicago Discussion Group

All photos above - Jazz Age Chicago
via Uptown Update
The Chuckman Collection Postcards

Some Drama in 1920 ...
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These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!