June 06, 2011

House of Worship: Congregational, Evangelical, Christ-Scientist & more

The Congregations Mentioned in this Post
Congregational, Baptist, Unitarian, Evangelical
Church of Christ-Scientist, and few more
There are Three Sub-Posts 
*The Historical Account of Churches
*Sunday Schools 
 *Churches Made of Wood
Let's Begin with ...
An Historical Account of Churches:
History of Cook County Illinois 1884
pgs 722-723 by A.T. Andreas
Most of the churches mentioned in the segment
will be mentioned again in other posts within this series
The Emanuel Church the Evangelical Association of North America - a few years before the great fire a few families left the Evangelical Church then located on the corner of Wells Street and Chicago Avenue. They formed a temporary society of an independent nature with Rev JP Krasmer in charge and held their services in a hall on Wells Street. In the year 1871 by agreement they made application to the Illinois Conference of the Evangelical Association for a minister and Rev C Augenstein was appointed to preside over the Church. At the time of this temporary organization the few members built a small church on a private lot. In 1874 Rev Mr Augensteln's time expired and Rev C Hummel was appointed by the Conference. He remained two years his successor in April 1876 being Rev WF Walker Rev S Dickover became pastor in 1879 serving his church two years. In April 1881 the Rev JC Kierst the present incumbent was appointed by the Conference to take charge of the mission. On the twenty sixth day of March 1883 the society was incorporated as the Emanuel Church of the Evangelical Association of North America. It numbers at present one hundred members, and the Sabbath school about two hundred.
Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Church was organized February 11 1864 by Rev W Lord L Halsey others. Its first members were Lincoln Clark, Mrs Julia A Clark, Catharine L Clark, Miss Julia A Clark, Mrs CA Halsey, Mrs Henrietta, W Elliott Mrs Hannah, W Lord, Mrs Sarah S Lord, Mrs Sarah A Ewing, Charles A Ewing and Warren Norton. The church was dedicated March 13 1864 the pastors of the society having been Rev W Lord, DD Rev W M Blackburn, DD Rev WC Young, and Rev HM Collison. The church membership is now about three hundred and a colony has recently been sent out from the parent society to form the Belden Avenue Presbyterian Church [located in Chicago].
The Third German Evangelical Reformed Friedens Church was organized in June 1883 with about forty members. The first pastor was Rev Alexander Arronet coming to Lake View as a missionary from Africa. Soon after the organization the congregation purchased two lots north side of Wellington Avenue near Sheffield and commenced the building of a brick edifice 40x60 feet of which the lower story was completed and dedicated February 11 1883. The Rev. Wernly became his successor.
The Lake View Congregational Church was organized in the winter of 1882 by RC L C Armstrong superintendent of the City Mission. The society has been worshiping in the Music Hall on Lincoln Avenue. Last fall the members were so encouraged to look for funds to be raised and a fine church edifice was commenced in November. It is situated on the corner of Seminary Avenue and Lill Street and when completed in April will cost nearly $6000. The church membership is forty two. Rev AJ Baily supplying is the pulpit and will probably remain society's settled pastor.  
St Alphonsius Roman Catholic Church was originated by the priest now in charge Rev Father in the fall of 1882. He is of the order Redemption Fathers being ordained to the priesthood at Annapolis Maryland in I863. The next year he came to Chicago to take charge of St Michael's Church. Before returning to Chicago he had [the] charge of flourishing churches in New York and Detroit. The commodious edifice in which the St Alphonsius congregation now worship near the corner of Southport Avenue and Wellington was completed in September I882 - the first services being held on the third of that month. The school building also completed at that time was opened the next day with an attendance of one hundred and fifty pupils. This number has since increased to three hundred and thirty two. When organized the church membership numbered two hundred families. It now consists of three hundred families.
St Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized from the St Jacob's Lutheran Church on January 1884. The first services being held upon the succeeding Sunday. Rev John E Mueller who had been the assistant of Rev William Bartling in the parent society was installed as pastor of the new church. St Jacob's  had built a large school house in January 1882 on the corner of Hoyne Avenue and Wellington and here the young congregation worships - Mr Mueller has charge of both [the] church and school. Wrightwood Avenue divides the districts of St Jacob's and St Luke's societies. The latter has at present a membership of sixty families; the school being attended by one hundred and ten pupils. Arrangements are now being made to erect a neat brick church on the corner of Belmont Avenue and Prairie Street {with an edifice] 46x65 feet. The officers of the society are Treasurer FW Labahn trustees and elders FW Labahn, F Wolf ,L Riemer, and J Labahn, Elder C Kemmitz. St Jacob's Church built a second school house which was finished in September 1883 and situated on Racine and Oakdale avenues. It is attended by fifty six pupils the teacher being JF Rieck.
Deering's Methodist Episcopal Chapel is situated on the west side of Clybourn Avenue near Wrightwood Avenue. The society is young but growing; the pulpit being supplied every Sunday evening by Rev Mr Luther and by Dr Parkhurst on Friday evenings. In addition to a regular congregation of earnest Christian workers who meet there the church gives shelter to Deering's Division No 128, Sons of Temperance, who hold their meetings there.
Evanston Avenue Sunday School Chapel on the south side of School [Aldine] near Evanston Avenue [Broadway] is doing a good work in the independent field.
Evangelistic Churches 
in 1909
Sunday Day Schools 
in 1912
All Saints Church
North Shore Congregational Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Wellington Avenue Congregational Church
Church of Providence
A More Detailed 
Church of Christ
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
from Christian to Jewish
photos - Garry Albrecht
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
From their Website
The History

some random photos from their website
2020 photo
2020 photo from their Facebook page
2017 photo from their Facebook page
2019 photos from their Facebook page
2019 photos from their Facebook page
part of my collection
selected pages
A Faith Change: 
from Christian to Jewish
2020 Inside-Booster article
The Congregation's' News Release 
a contribution to social activism & social justice
Moved Summer of 2021
2021 photos - Garry Albrecht
a 2023 Jewish celebation below
Evanston Avenue 
Congregation Church
part of the disbandment of 
New England Congregational Church
District of Lake View
Church of the Redeemer
District of Lake View
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps:
zoomed below
zoomed below
with new construction to the south
the location was transformed into apartments and storefronts
of Ravenswood
Township of Lake View
District of Lake View
4401 N Hermitage Avenue
their manual
their first pastor
photo - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
published in 1884

donated to the Ravenswood-Lake View Historical Association
The Ravenswood Congregational Church was the first church in community of Ravenswood in 1884 as a 7th day Adventist member. 
The Dedication of the Second Church? 
in 1918
a celebration in 1945
and after that ...
North Shore Spanish 
Baptist Church
Community of Lake View
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed view below
 photo - Art Institute of Chicago
photos - Art Institute of Chicago 
Lake View Evangelical 
Swedish Church
also was known as
Lake View (Swedish) Free Church
District of Lake View
1942 issue
zoomed from above
image - Warner Printing Company
Church to 
Not a fine looking conversion!!
all photos - 'A Chicago Sojourn'

What happens to a church when the congregation moves on? There are four basic answers: demolition, abandonment (which often leads to demolition), reuse (by a new congregation), or adaptation. Adaptation is rare. Church sanctuaries are suited to their particular purposes: the frequent meeting of a large group of people witnessing a singular recurring event. Functionally speaking, the only similar purposes in modern society are movies and plays, and the world only needs so many playhouses. Most adaptations require some radical alterations to the space. Nobody likes to see the grand space of a church sanctuary obliterated, but if the alternative is the complete loss of the building, it seems like a palatable trade-off. And, surprisingly enough, it is a compromise that’s been made quite a few times in Chicago

This [Swedish] congregation that began in 1887. Faced with the relocation of its members to the suburbs, the church moved out in 1954. The building on Sheffield was occupied by the congregations from the Church of Christ, Presbyterian, a Japanese congregation that formed during World War II to serve relocated Japanese residents; it held services in both English and Japanese to meet the needs of first and second generation Japanese-Americans. The building is located just south of Wrigley Field. 
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
German Evangelical 
Friedens Reformed 
1024 W Wellington Avenue
later to be called
Third Evangelical Reformed
Township of Lake View
City of Lake View
Community of Lake View
photo - Mary Rothenbach 
this maybe the second church based on the maps below
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
zoomed below
same name in 1950
60th Anniversary
in 1942

Below is a 1925 booklet from the Third Reformed Church. At the time of the booklet's publication there was an apparent name change and drop the words 'German' and 'Evangelical'
image below - Mary Rothenbach
Lake View Congregation 
Free Swedish Church
1041 W Newport Avenue
between 1894-1923
text above - 1915 Chicago Blue Book of selected names
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
By 1923 the building housed the International Organization of Good Templars. 
954 W Wellington Avenue
Communityy of Lake View
image - Chicago City of Neighborhoods
Lakeside has roots in Japanese and Japanese-American churches from California. Many were a part of the Japanese relocation during World War II and in 1943, upon being released from internment camps, arrived in Chicago. As the congregation grew, changed, and moved to the suburbs, the number of congregants living near the church building decreased. Eventually, the building 
on Wellington was sold in 1998.
publication unknown
photos - Ebay
 German Evangelical 
Township of Lake View
City of Lake View
District of Lake View
2701 N Sheffield Avenue
 to Greek Orthodox 
Rascher's Atlas Map 1887
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
St. George Greek Church 
by 1923
Evangelical Church
District of Lake View
to be known later as
North Ashland Evangelical Church
A United Evangelical in 1915
 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
Above 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map that indicated location on the northeast corner of Noble and Ashland Avenue under the name of German Evangelical Church. Below 1923 Sanborn Fire Map that indicated location on the northeast corner of now Barry Avenue/Ashland under the name of North Ashland Evangelical Church and by 1950 a filling (gas) station on both corners.
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
Diversey Boulevard/Parkway
(United) Evangelical 
District of Lake View
and currently 
 Holy Covenant United Methodist 
Community of Lincoln Park
postcard - Ebay 
According to their website "On January 30, 1894, a widow—Helena Bergman—sold her plot of land for $5,000 to build the Diversey Parkway Evangelical Church. The cornerstone was laid on March 4, 1894 and dedicated on July 22, 1894."
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
with a new name to reflect the new name of the street
and not much change in 1950
zoomed below
 Township of Lake View
City of Lake View
at Seminary Avenue
and then merged in 1911
Seminary Avenue Federated Church 
District of Lake View
1908 image - Chicago History in Postcards
 Rascher's Atlas
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
zoomed view below
then called ...
Seminary Avenue Federated Church 
by 1950
silk prayer bookmarkers pre 1919
photos - Ebay 
2019 Google View
District of Lake View
and Community Lake View
3701 Janseen Avenue
1950 negative - Chicago History Museum
1964 article
from an Lake View 75th anniversey magazine
Rascher's Atlas Map
While the congregation may have been established in 1876 the church was not in Lake View at this time nor was the street
zoomed view below
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
The 1952 Fire
renovated 3 months afterward
photos - Kent Bartram via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
85th Year in 1961

The Assembly of
God Pentecostal Church
once called
Scandinavian Assembly of God
and the inital name was ...
Swedish Evangelical Lutheran 
Missions Forsamlingen
1412 Noble Avenue
with a post 1909 address of
946 W Barry Avenue
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
The building was razed by 2009
photo & text - Arlene Nybakken Chase
Also read my post called Northside Transit about the issues with the Northwestern Elevated Railway Company
*below is the initial deed of Lot 20, Block 3 in 1887*
Alrene relatives would also owned more lots on Noble Avenue
this deed donated to me by Alrene Nybakken Chase
1887 Rascher Atlas Map below
the church will be located in lot 20 after this map was published
1891 Sanborn Fire Map 
with an address of 1412 Noble
1894 Sanborn Fire Map
For some reason the church is gone but the house in back remains. Lot 20 now has two addresses of 1412 & 1414 Noble Avenue
1923 Sanborn Fire Map 
the church and house in the back is now buttressed 
on the west side of the tracks 
with a post 1909 address of 946 Barry Avenue
zoomed below
zoomed further below
1950 Sanborn Fire Map
zoomed view below
The name of the church is now called Pentecostal Assembly
below 2 photos - Arlene Nybakken Chase
an Arlene Chase painting of the church
the photo below served as a model for her painting
the building is no longer next to the tracks
due to the Belmont Overpass project 
The Philadelphia Swedish 
Pentecostal Church
3300 N Sheffield Avenue
Footprint of the building was not found in either 1923 or 1950 Sanborn maps so if the building existence it must have been between those two dates mentioned
 This stationary was printed between 1928-1934 
by Warner Printing Company. 
This stationary is part of my collection
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
1929 illustration 
image - Ebay
'The Chicago Gospel Tabernacle grew out of an evangelistic campaign held by Rev. Paul Rader in 1922 at the corner of Clark, Halsted, and Barry, later moving to 825 Barry Avenue. The campaign drew such enthusiastic response and loyal supporters that the temporary wooden structure the meetings were held in became a permanent church. 
a snip from YouTube
Paul Rader and his congregation
During Rader's pastorate, the Tabernacle began a very active outreach including radio programs, publications, support of several missions, bible conferences, and some social work. Special activities were sponsored by the Tabernacle members such as film showings, missionary speakers, evangelistic services, musical programs, and youth clubs. Designated offerings were also taken for the support of evangelism both at home and abroad. Some of the men who pastored the Tabernacle included Paul Rader, Clarence Erickson, Wally White, and Douglas R. Fisher. Merrill Dunlop and Melvin W. Johnson also served as associate pastors for a time. In 1979 the membership of the Tabernacle had dropped to only a handful. By written vote of the membership it was decided to disband the fellowship permanently. Provisions were made for the continued support of some missionaries by the terms of a trust fund.
- Christian Today
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
with a seating capacity of 4,332
part of my collection
photo below - Wheaton College/The Vault
two 1940ish photos - Ebay
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle 1958 
photo from WayOutWardell via Flickr
with Illinois Masonic Hospital behind it
a 1922 flyer
Missions was seen as the highest calling at the Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, as everyone was regularly called to participate in the work. By 1933 Rader’s ministry was giving at least partial support to over 180 missionaries, which included full support for 17 missionaries and native evangelists in India, 33 along the Russian border, 12 among Russian refugees in France, and 11 in Spain.  Bible colleges were started in Latvia and Spain, and new work was opened up among previously non-evangelized tribes in Africa and the Dutch East Indies.
a video about Paul Rader
Judy DeVita Carlson, a contributor to LakeView Historical on Facebook, attended Sunday School there, was baptized there and went to their summer camp. She mentioned that "the church was very good at attracting young people and keeping them active and interested in their Gospel message. Their youth groups were called Chums and Guards for girls. Separate age groups. The boys were Pals and Pioneers. Physical activity was competitive games followed by Bible talk and "witnessing" about your personal relationship with Jesus. Camp was not co-ed. [The congregation was] held at a Christian bible camp on Lake Waubesaa in MacFarland, Wisconsin. Time was probably 1950 until 1959. Great times!"
 photo - my collection 

photo - my collection 
2017 Google image below
the building was retro-fitted 
The Twelfth Church 
of Christ Scientist
once located at
635 W Grace Street
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
First Service in 1926
prior to this date the congregation meet at Le Moyne School now called Inter-American School on Waveland Avenue

1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
A Senior Home 
in 1975
Second Church 
of Christ, Scientist
District of Lake View
Community of Lincoln Park
2700 N Pine Grove
from church to residential
postcard - Ebay
postcard - Ebay
The church was dedicated on Easter Sunday 1901, 
with four services accommodating more than 10,000 attendees
1909 photos - Art Institute of Chicago 

postcard - Ebay
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
in blue
zoomed from above
City Council OK
in 2020

LINCOLN PARK — A proposal to add a seven-story apartment building to a by a 120-year-old church — while retaining its worship space — cleared Chicago’s City Council on Wednesday. The plans include renovating Second Church of Christ Scientist at 2700 N. Pine Grove Ave. by knocking down the rear of the building and adding a new, seven-story tower with 26 apartments and 30 parking spaces, according to a presentation by the church’s attorney during a previous zoning committee meeting. The renovations would downsize the church’s building while maintaining the original front, east and west sides of the building, the attorney said. But the cathedral and the large dome on the ceiling at the rear of the building would have to be taken down to make room for the apartments, according to plans. What’s now the building’s front foyer will be used as the new worship space.

and as of June 2023
Google Earth view below 
(not part of the article)
Construction Photos
Second Unitarian Church 
of Chicago
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
656 W Barry Avenue
In 1902 this congregation's mission makes a turning point when it calls Fred V. Hawley, an experienced minister already serving in Chicago increased church attendance. The congregation purchases a lot and builds the current church building at Barry Avenue. During the 1940's & 1950's the Rev. Heyworth organizes the Lake View Council on Religious Action, a group of local ministers, priests, and rabbis. The reverend and Mrs. Heyworth move into the upper level of the church building (the part currently known as the “loft”). In 1969 the members adopt the name Second Unitarian Church as a way to modernize its image.
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
100 years of service 
in 1957
Praise in 1962
 The Salvation Army 
3256 N Wilton Avenue
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
 from the Warner Printing Collection 
now part of my private collection
1923 Sanborn Fire Map 
highlights the church 
near the corner of Wilton & School
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
Nieghborhood of Graceland West
Bethany Church was established in 1895 when a group of German immigrants of the Evangelical tradition joined together on the basis of a shared faith and common cultural background. They first met in a living room close to our current location, then in a store front on Irving Park, and by 1920, had broken ground at Paulina and Cullom.  In 1930, following the construction of the gymnasium and parsonage, the sanctuary was ready for Christmas worship. Following the joining of the Evangelical, Reform and Congregational Church bodies in 1957, Bethany Evangelical became Bethany United Church of Christ.
Possible Homes 
mentioned above
1905 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed from above
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed from above
2022 photo below - Brick of Chicago
photos - their Facebook
2022 photos
1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
photo - their website
2019 photo - Yelp

April 13, 2015 

(but still at Lincoln Avenue location as of 2021)

The Church of Scientology of Chicago, also known as the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, located at 3011 N. Lincoln Ave. in Lakeview, is relocating to a 50,000-square-foot, six-story building on Printer’s Row at 650 S. Clark St.  The Church of Scientology of Chicago opened its original facility on Lincoln Avenue in 1974. The church will continue to operate out of its current location until renovations to the Clark Street location between Polk and Harrison streets are completed, said Rebecca Cusano, director of public relations for the Church of Scientology of Chicago in an emailed statement. Cusano has been a member of the church for 23 years. Renovations to the new location are expected to be completed at the beginning of 2016, Cusano said. The church’s official grand opening date has not yet been decided, she said.

Community of Lake View
Located in the gymnasium of Nettelhorst School

In January of 2002 Grace Chicago Church began with a small group of people who wanted to establish a church that was focused on bringing the historic Christian faith into conversation with our contemporary context. From the beginning, Grace's mission statement, to seek the good of individuals and the welfare of the city by embracing the good news of God's redemptive promise, has guided us in how we do that.

Lake View 
Gospel Church
currently called
Christ Apostolic Church of America
2021 Google Map view
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
United Worship Center
formerly known as
Faith Tabernacle Church
a non-deminational church
ad - 75th Anniversary of Lake View published by the 
Lincoln-Booster Newspaper
Once the location of one of the buildings that belonged to Bismarck/Marigold Gardens 1896-1923
Pastor Dr. Hills highlighting that once was the garden space 
now Halsted Flats apartments on the corner of Bradley Place and Halsted Street
postcard of the building (on the right) of the current church and former Marigold Room during the late 1920's
an aerial Google view of the building
It Began ...
Dr. Hill passed in 2023
notice - their Facebook page
Dr. Hill & the First Lady
Lane Park Evangelical United Brethren Church
now apparent condo's 
2022 Google Map view
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map view
zoomed from above
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map view

The beginnings of The Evangelical United Brethren trace all the way back to the late 18th Century in Colonial America (at the same time as the early Methodists). The Evangelical United Brethren began as two separate religious movements among the growing German immigrant population in the [British] colonies: The Church of the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical Church.

The Churches
 Made of Wood:

Outside the city, however, other communities were growing. Suburban areas like Ravenswood and Lake View would eventually be annexed by their burgeoning neighbor… but not before they erected a number of churches that, unlike their Chicago cousins, could still be built of wood. A number of these older buildings dot the Ravenswood area. One is a landmark. Others are less well known, and evoke the feeling of a small town church, something you’d expect to find a stone’s throw from farmers’ fields. Mostly they are simple in style, lacking elaborate detailing, substituting plain cathedral glass for stained glass designs or just dispensing with the whole colored window thing altogether. - Chicago Sojourn

Township of Lake View
(Township's Community of Ravenswood)
City of Lake View
Communnity of Uptown
*also mentioned above*
Built in 1884 in the old township of Lake View in the Community of Ravenswood. This church served as a reference point for the village for meetings as well as the use of its steeple bell to ring out the call to volunteer firefighters. The church was a spiritual home to thousands of Ravenswood residents at the time. 
llustrations - Library of Congress
interior view below
A renovation 2015 photo below
Split view old vs new
photo - DNAinfo

RAVENSWOOD — The restoration of Ravenswood's All Saints' Episcopal Church has earned the building a prestigious honor from Landmarks Illinois. The church, 4550 N. Hermitage Ave., was named one of nine recipients of the 2017 Richard H. Driehaus Preservation Award, which will be officially presented at a gala event in September. The award honors "outstanding examples of excellence in Illinois historic preservation," with winners exemplifying "extraordinary stories of people saving special places," according to the announcement. Built in 1884 and considered the oldest wood-frame church in Chicago, All Saints is an anchor of the Ravenswood community — at one point its bell tower was used to summon the area's volunteer firefighters to duty. But by the 1980s, the congregation's membership had plummeted to just 30 parishioners and All Saints, having already survived two fires, faced the possibility of closure. 

2022 photo - Alicia Fontanetta/Pictures of Chicago

New leadership arrived in the 1990s and the reinvigorated congregation, now numbering in the hundreds, undertook the building's restoration in the early 2000s. The project involved major structural work, including replacing the building's wooden foundation with concrete and stabilizing the bell tower with a system of steel straps. In 2014, crews turned their attention to the church's exterior, which had been covered in stucco in 1917. The underlying stick-style architecture — designed by John Cochrane, who's also responsible for the state Capitol buildings in Illinois and Iowa — was uncovered piece by piece and meticulously returned to its original beauty.

 2016 photos Paul Mallatt via Picture of Chicago-Facebook & their Facebook pagge

2018 photo - Fredmidthum via Instagram2016 image Paul Mallatt via Picture of Chicago-Facebook

2022 photo
from their Facebook page 
Community Church
District of Lake View
Community of North Central
Neighborhood of Roscoe Village
50th Year in 1943
 District of Lake View
Community of Uptown
Resurrection Covenant Church
3901 N Marshfield Avenue 
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
formerly known as
Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant Church 
of Cuyler
from a postcard - Ebay
Central Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church, of which the Resurrection Covenant Church is a member, was established in Chicago in 1885 by Swedish immigrants. Resurrection Covenant Church was established in 1897 according to their website. 
photos - Brule Laker/Flickr
Summerdale Community 
Church of Christ
1700 W. Farragut Avenue
 District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
demolished in 2017
The Church Beginnings
photo - Chicago Architecture
by Edgewater Historical

The Summerdale Congregational Church developed from a Sunday school organized to meet in the Summerdale railway station at Berwyn and the Chicago Northwestern tracks in May of 1889. This was a short time before the township of Lake View became a part of Chicago. Later, the school moved to a factory building nearby where crates and planks furnished the seats. The Ravenswood Church donated old pews, a small organ and a number of hymn books. After moving from a home on Lincoln Street, the church group took shelter in a storefront on Ravenswood at Farragut called the Wager Hall. Read more from the link above.

photos below - DNAinfophotos - Julie Kay NelsonAn Uncertain Future in 2017

In a sale netting $750,000 for the Night Ministry, a 123-year-old wooden church in Andersonville will likely be demolished and replaced with single-family homes.
The Night Ministry, a Chicago-based nonprofit that aids those struggling with homelessness, was given the former Summerdale Community Church at 1700 W. Farragut Ave. last year. With a dwindling congregation of only about 10 members and an estimated $250,000 worth of work needed to get the property up to code, the church decided to disband and give the building to another nonprofit that could then sell it and reap the proceeds, former pastor Ann James said. Based on prior partnerships, the church decided to donate the building to the Night Ministry. Both James and Night Ministry spokesman Tedd Peso said there was never any intention for the Night Ministry to restore the building, but rather to flip the property to a developer and put the sale's proceeds toward the group's savings. But not all are convinced the church building is unsalvageable. Ward Miller, executive director of Preservation Chicago, a group dedicated to saving historic buildings, said he was disappointed when he heard about the church's likely demolition — an act he characterized as "divesting" and "turning backs on the community."  "Demolition is such a harsh solution to building good communities and healthy communities," Miller said. "Some buildings really add to the vibrancy and sense of community and give it a sense of place." - DNAinfo
*the windows and most of artifacts of interest were saved*
2016 image below - Edgwater Historical Society Newsletter
photos - Julie Kay Nelson
Park Lane 
Evangelical Church
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
no photo, just Sanborn Fire Maps

 a view of the building in 1894
and below a view from 1923
no change in 1950
New Religious Instruction
for Public Schools
in 1929
Church &
 the State Unite
for the Community
A time when churches and religious organizations got involved in the community's well-being
Lake View Churches 
Form a Group in 1954

Post Notes:
This post is part of a 6 part series of blog posts about 
'Houses of Worship' according to faith. Most Houses of Worship have attached schools on their private property that I may or may not be highlight in any of these posts. 

Read the list of all types congregations as of 1905:

Please follow me to my next post called

Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!

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