May 27, 2011

Worship: Roman Catholic

Some Backround

In the era of intense emigration from the 1840's to 1914, bishops often set up separate parishes for major ethnic groups, from Ireland, Germany, Poland, French Canada and Italy. By the beginning of the 20th century, approximately one-sixth of the population of the United States was Catholic. Modern Catholic immigrants come to the United States from the Philippines, Poland and Latin America, especially Mexico and Central America.

The needs as well as possibilities of the Catholic settlement at Fort Dearborn and its vicinity were recognized in May, 1843, the formation of the new diocese in Chicago. Their pope in Rome acted favorably upon its creation, and in 1844 appointed as the first bishop of the diocese. By 1865 the first Archbishop of the City of Chicago was named by the Pope of Rome. By 1908 ten nationalities other than English-speaking were represented in the Archdiocese. Of the total of 314 churches ninety-six were divided by their nationality. They were the following: German 33, Polish 21, Bohemian 9, Italian 8, Lithuanian 7, Slovak 6, Croatian 5, French 3, Syrian 2, Ruthenian 
St. Henry's 
Catholic Church
Township of Ridgeville 1850-57
(Lake View + Evanston townships)
(for enlargement)
The original church was a single-wooden building  constructed in 1851 by the Prussian Heritage German speaking Catholic community. An examination of gravestone names confirms this Prussian Heritage. This Church served the growing Catholic community for 20 years. Prior to this church, Catholic Mass and services were celebrated by Fr. Fortmann, a traveling missionary priest, in the 2-story wooden frame home of Peter Schmidt Smith(Jr) at 6816 Ridge Trail, (a sandy Indian Trail leading to Green Bay Trail that went to Milwaukee). This house was about one mile north of the Church's location. 
An Account of the Parish in 1884 

by A.T. Andreas
"In 1842 the first Catholic settlers arrived in the vicinity of Rose Hill and in 1850 were gathered together in the form of a little society by Rev H Fortmarin resident pastor of St Joseph's Church Gross Point. The few families which then comprised the congregation had been worshiping in the house of Peter Schmitt. At first they met irregularly whenever any of the pioneer priests of Chicago could find time to attend afterward at stated periods. Among those who had care of souls in these early times of St Henry's Parish were Rev Fathers Fortmann Kopp and Kremer from Gross Point. When Father Fortmann came in 1850 preparations were made to erect a church building which was done during this year. In the beginning of March 1863 the Redemptorist Fathers who had been called to St Michael's Church Chicago by Rt Rev Bishop Dungan took charge of St Henry's Parish attending it every second Sunday. The first one of the Fathers who was detailed for this work was the Rev Jacob Nageh who found it necessary to enlarge the church edifice to more than twice its original size. In July 1864 he was called elsewhere and St Henry s Parish was successively served by Rev. Fathers Hahn Majerus Scheffler and Fimmer all of St Michael's Church.
(for enlargement)
zoomed view of the clock tower
text - Historic City:Settlement of Chicago
"About New Year's Day of 1867 the people of St Henry's which was then a parish of about sixty families welcomed their first resident pastor in the person of Rev. Edward Haemers. He was succeeded in March 1870 by Rev. J.A. Marschall who after a period of only six months made place in October 1870 for Rev. Andrew Michel Father Michel [who] remained until the 6th of January 1873 when he was removed to Lincoln Logan County. In the month of February his successor the Rev Henry Wagner took charge. He found the people of St Henry's willing and anxious to make improvements and during his short stay succeeded in erecting a new church and transforming the old structure into a school building. On the 15th of September 1875 he was transferred to Mendota LaSalle County and the pastor at that point. The Rev. C.J. Niederberger took charge of St Henry's Parish. His principal merit consists in having reduced the debts of the parish by $4,000 within the short space of three years and eight months. In May 1879 he resigned. The pulpit remained vacant for two months when Rev. A.J. Thiele the present incumbent was appointed to the charge. The present condition of St Henry's Parish is in marked contrast with the feeble society founded in 1850. It has now a congregation of two hundred and fifty families with 1,400 souls. It owns five acres of valuable real estate for church school parsonage and cemetery purposes and the structure in which the prosperous and growing society worship although frame is spacious and elegantly furnished and frescoed. The parish also possesses a fine brick school house containing four school rooms and exhibition hall and it is probable that a fine and substantial parochial residence will be erected." - their website
Rischer's Atlas Map
zoomed view below
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
zoomed view of the cemetary
zoomed view of the church and planned church
1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
the original church is gone
zoomed view below
2022 photos 
by Cory Steinberg
Another Perseptive 
St. Henry was the first church built in the area. It was constructed at the northwest corner of Ridge Avenue and Devon Avenue in 1851 (see R044-0133). It was built by Henry Fortmann. It was a small structure and was replaced by a larger building in 1872 costing $10,000. This was the first Luxembourg Roman Catholic parish in Chicago. Until 1851, masses for local residents were held in a log house on this site built by Peter Schmitt on the Ridge Trail (now Ridge Avenue). In 1851, Henry Fortmann built a small frame house to offer mass to immigrants from Luxembourg and Germany. The community’s spiritual needs were attended to by the Redemptorist Fathers of St. Michael’s Church. Three acres of land were set aside as a cemetery for parish members. The church was dedicated on May 9, 1852. In 1871, the log house was replaced by a larger building costing $10,000. The building is a neo-Gothic structure, clad in brick with ornamentation of limestone and bronze. The architect was Henry J. Schlacks (1867-1938), who is considered by many to be the finest of Chicago's church architects. St. Henry’s could be considered the mother of all churches north of Irving Park Including those in Evanston. For many years its membership consisted largely of Luxembourgers, Irish, and Germans, with Luxembourgers predominant. It became a clearing house for new immigrants from Luxemburg, and to this day, many people of Luxembourg origin throughout the Midwest know about “St. Henry’s on the Ridge.” Angel Guardian Orphanage was established in 1865 and a school built in 1882. In 1926 George Cardinal Mundelein transferred St. Henry’s Church to the orphanage and a new church was built at 6325 N. Hoyne Avenue. - Rogers Park/West Ridge Historical

St. Henry's Parish Church Graveyard
1983 photo by Jean Ensch
2022 photos via Yelp below
early geography
Devon Avenue in the 1920's with St. Henry's 
in the very fainted background to the left
corner of Devon & Western in the early 20th century
photo - Deb Rees
photo - Chicago Patterns 
2018 photos below - Tom McDonald 

Serving a 
German-American Congregation
 further south
Catholic Church
Township of Lake View
City of Lake View
Community of Lake View
above image - 'Lake View' by Matt Nickerson
below image - The City on the Move 

1907 silver jubilee book
Rascher's Atlas Map
the first church was on the corner of Oakdale and Southport
zoomed view below
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
old and new church
zoomed below
zoomed view below
zoomed views below
 at its' Best for Lake View
in 1889
1913 photo - Chicago and the Midwest/Newberry Library
1913 photo - Chicago and the Midwest/Newberry Library
postcard - Chuckman Collection
The parish in 1889 registered more than 800 families.  It was imperative to design plans to build a larger church and school to accommodate the increasing numbers and provide for present and future needs. In 1889, the year of township annexation, ground was broken for the new church. Apparently, curious spectators watched as the excavation sank to a depth of 15 feet to firm clay bottom where huge foundation stones were set to sustain the buttressed walls, weighty pillars and lofty tower.Finally, four months later, the cornerstone was successfully laid.The dedication ceremony occurred on October 3, 1897, the dedication of the building was performed by Archbishop Feehan, joined by 30 priests.
above photo - Ebay
St. Alphonsus School - girl's section
1909 photo - St. Alphonsus website
2014 book images - Lake View by Matthew Nickerson

postcard - Ebay
Join the conversation on LakeView Historical-Facebook
postcard manufactured with a linen surface by Cert Teich & Co. once located in Lake View on the southeast corner of Irving Park Road & East Ravenswood Avenue 
photo - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
1948 photos below - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
My thanks to Lance Grey for tip on this video footage
book images - 'Lake View' by Matt Nickerson
On Monday, October 23, 1950 at midday, the fire broke out 
(5 photos). Father Joseph Hahn was the pastor at that time. He had just installed the main altar and had completed the redecoration of the church interior. A group of workmen were engaged in the process of replacing the old roof with a new one".
2 photos - Mark Susina
3 photos below
Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
photos - Jeff DeLong
Director of Marketing & Development 
at the Athenaeum Theatre
The Parish Church was 
also a Community Meeting Place 
photo - Chicago: City of Neighborhoods and
according to LVH contributor Elizabeth Semerling pre-1951
1989 photo - Robert Krueger via Chicago Public Library
2012 photo - J. Knecht/Flickr
Renovation in 2007-2008
photos via DePrato Rigali Studios

St. Alphonsus is a German-Gothic Catholic Church located in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood. The church was previously in disrepair, but following an extensive renovation and restoration by Daprato Rigali Studios, it is now considered one of the most beautiful and most photographed churches in the country. It was the cover shot for the 2015 Chicago Open House Tour, and its beautiful blue ceiling decorates vaulted gothic arches. Daprato Rigali managed the entire renovation project.  Specific work included – restoring the stained glass windows, new exterior protection glass, plaster-repair, stencil design, decorative painting, new flooring and re-finished the entire sanctuary and all sanctuary furnishings. Daprato Rigali is proud to have been commissioned to steward such an historic transformation.  Many of the St. Alphonsus Parish staff also were vital in their input and commitment to the project and the final result could not have been achieved without their collaboration.

it was part of their Legacy Project
the before look

An Aerial View in 2018 
photos - St. Alphonsus website
by Chris Cullen 

by Cory Steinberg

 photo above - church website
photo below - Heavenly City
a stature of their patron-St. Alphonsus
Community Winter Tree Lighting
another tradition
article - Inside Booster
 Catholic Church
Township of Lake View
City of Lake View
Community of Lake View
The first church location apparently was on 
Wellington prior to 1894
zoomed view below

In 1886, Our Lady of Mount Carmel was founded as the mother parish of all the English-speaking Catholic congregations of the north-side. Father Patrick O'Brien was the founding pastor who built the first church at Wellington near Sheffield. In 1888 the Mount Carmel Academy was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in our present Casey Hall building. Father Patrick Gill became pastor in 1895, and in 1913, the present Indiana limestone church structure was built in English Tudor Gothic style. With the death of Father Gill in 1925, Father Joseph Casey became pastor. He completed the interior of the church with the marvelous Kinsella windows, Carrara marble altars and the majestic E. M. Skinner pipe organ. The rectory was built in 1923, the convent and school in 1926. Father Casey was named Monsignor in 1926 and remained as pastor until his death in 1958.   – their website

photo - Roger Denger via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
According to Minerva Sage, “There was a George E Brennan who was a Democratic Party machine politician from Illinois, who died in 1928.” He supported Emmett Dever for Mayor 
against Mayor Big Bill Thompson
photo & text - East Lake View by Matt Nickerson
photos - Lake View Patch 2012
 2017 photos - Marcella Kane
Map Hisory:
Rascher's Atlas Maps 1887
The map below indicates no footprint yet on Belmont Avenue
and in 1891
This 1891 map shows the academy/school on Belmont Avenue 
properties east of the academy building below
postcard below - Chicago History in Postcards
another view of the academy
photo - East Lake View by Matt Nickerson
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
This congregation was founded as the mother parish of all the English-speaking Catholic congregations of the north sideFather Patrick O'Brien was the founding pastor who built the first church at Wellington near Sheffield. In 1888 the Mount Carmel Academy was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in what was called the Casey Hall building. By 1913, the present Indiana limestone church structure was built in English Tudor Gothic style. 
- their website
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
 zoomed below
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
the middle section is filled in
This 1950 zoomed map indicated a newer school between the church and now the community room (former school). 
Below are sectionals of the 1950 map above
I added additional information to the church footprint below
for my next section
of a typical Catholic Church
pre 2010 renovation - via St. Alponsus
& 1948
 photo - 'Lake View' by Matthew Nickerson
unknown date
photo - 'Lake View' by Matthew Nickerson
unknown date1957 photo - their Facebook page
1960 photo below - 'Lake View' by Matthew Nickerson
photo above - East Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
Faith and Gays
in 2000
Christmas Decor 2015 
 photos are from their own Facebook page
Detail of exterior
 lumierefl Flickr via Grace Ray - Pinterest
photo - Ricardo Batres
 four 2016 photos - Garry Albrecht
 of the interior in 2010
125 Year Anniversary 
in 2014
 a classroom addition in 2016
St. Sebastian 
Catholic Parish
Moved the Church Down the Street
Township of Lake View
City of Lake View
Community of Lake View
photo - Chicago History Museum
the church moved east from the apparant 934 address 
to 854 Wellington Avenue
the pre 1909 addresses were 1426 to 1476 Wellington Avenue
Mrs Frank Warneke and her father Willam Krause not happy 
about a tree removal on their property if though the parkway belongs to the city
It's my assumption that the church moved by 1900 due to the construction of the North Western Elevated tracks; the church was moved physically down Wellington Avenue away from the tracks (redline) from 924 Wellington Avenue to 854 address which is currently part of the property of Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital. The ash trees from the parkways were cut down by 'movers' so that church building could be moved down the street without damage and out of way of the noise of elevated train cars.
a 2021 Google Map View 
of the Move Eastward
Rascher's Atlas Map
According to this 1887 I believe the first church was on Wellington and (future vacated street called) Bluecher marked with a X with that future site of Illinois Masonic Hospital to the east. Bluecher Street would be later vacated for the furture North Western Elevated/Redline tracks the was constructed by 1900.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
The same 1891 map still shows the church still on Wellington & Bluecher that would later be vacated for the 
North West Elevated; the Redline  
This is where the map maybe in error; a rarity by the way.
The map indicates the church belongs to the Church of Our Lady in Mt. Carmel even through I can not find any article of historical reference to that location. As mentioned in the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel section I can not believe the Archdiosese of Chicago would located a church and its school so far apart from one another.
This 1894 map is an overview of the general area along Wellington 
with a zoomed view below of the academy/school??
 that must be in error. The address 1426 is equalivent to 934 Wellington Avenue before the church building move 
to the post 1909 address of 824 Wellington Avenue
tracks were laid by 1900 to Wilson Avenue
This overview map of the area along Wellington now shows the new tracks of the North Western Elevated with an X that marked where the first church was. By 1900 the elevated at reached Wilson Avenue so the church must of been removed between 1894 and 1900. 
This is a zoomed view of the changes from the 1894 map that now indicate Bluecher Street has been vacated and the existence of the 
North Western Elevated tracks along with the removed church and relaced by flats/apartments
This 1923 map shows that the church moved to 824 Wellington and the school was built at 806-816 Wellington Avenue
photo from a Advocate Illinois Hospital campus building
from my collection of the parish
images - part of my collection
The Fire of  
(no text)
The church was the meeting place for the establishment of the Lake View Police Community Relations Committee a forerunner to present day CAPS program
Thanks to Art Colletta's contributor to Forgotten Chicago 
for this great photo!
photos - St Sebastian School Facebook page
Illinois Masonic Hospital on the left of photo
with the parish school to the right
Melting Pot Congregation/Food
in 1981
Friction with the Cardinal
in 1988

The July 1989 Fire
Fight for Survival 
after fire

Both Church/School to Close
in December 1989
Theatre Company
established in 1981
images from their Facebook page
Catholic Church
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
photos - their Facebook page
In the 19th century the reality of jobs at companies like the Northwestern Terra Cotta Works, the Deering Works of International Harvester and Stewart-Warner Corporation attracted many immigrant workers, farmers, skilled tradesmen and the like to the growing Lake View Community.  It seemed feasible to place a new English speaking church (St. Bonaventure) near Diversy Parkway and Ashland Avenue between St. Alphonsus, a German speaking church and St. Josaphat, a Polish-Kashubian churchThe parish was officially established on October 11, 1911. The cornerstone was laid by Bishop Rhode on August 18, 1912. The main entrance is flanked by two towers that enclose stairways leading up to a low choir loft. The worship space occupies the whole main floor. Corner stairways continue up to classrooms whose windows clearly delineate a separate level when viewed from the street. I could see children's art projects in those windows. The worship space has the original pews and stained glass, but the sanctuary and altar have that stripped-bare, post-Vatican II look. - their website
Dedication in 1912

1949 photo below
School Addition
in 1954
Catholic Church
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View

It was at this time that a determined group of about 35 predominantly Irish Catholic families got together in the hope of organizing a new parish of their own. For the residents of western Lake View, Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Our Lady of Lourdes seemed too far a distance to go to Mass and Saint Alphonsus was strictly a German speaking parish. - their website

photo above - their Facebook page
New School by 1902
Raising Money 
in 1907
1913 photo - Chicago and the Midwest/Newberry Library
for enlargement
photo - St. Andrew's website
photo - from the Facebook page
photos -1940s

photos - their Facebook page
photos below - their Facebook page
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
no signifcant change in the 1950 map
with zoomed view below
and the 'Hall' north of Addison
 photos below
  Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
Dedication of New Chapel
in 1952

photo below - their Facebook page
1961 photos - Keith Banaszak Forgotten Chicago-Facebook

Championing Boxing
in 1968
Fast Forward 
to an Event in 2000
photos - UIC/Explore Chicago Collection
The Gym
photos - their Facebook page
Gym Section Opens
in 1951

An Anniversary 
in 1969
Church Raided
in 1970
Parish Always
Loved their Sports
image below - Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
New in 2023
Catholic Church
4640 N Ashland Avenue
District of Lake View
Community of Uptown
The church that moved across the street
the original church above

photos - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
the interior of the original church below

Located in Chicago’s Ravenswood neighborhood, Our Lady of Lourdes celebrated its first mass on Oct. 8, 1892. The original church was a frame building located on the southwest corner of Ashland and Leland Avenues, featuring a bell tower and a rose window depicting the Blessed Mother. In 1903, the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary founded a parish grade school with 340 inaugural pupils. Thousands of students received an excellent Catholic education at the school before it closed in 2004. As the parish grew, the original church was demolished and a new one built across the street on the southeast corner. Prolific church architects Worthmann & Steinback modeled the Spanish Renaissance-style architecture to resemble a church in Valladolid, Spain, and it was dedicated on May 21, 1916. Our Lady of Lourdes garnered international acclaim in 1929 for executing one of the great engineering feats of the early-twentieth century. When the city of Chicago decided to widen Ashland Ave., Fr. James Scanlan decided to once again move the entire church across the street.  A gang of 50 men operating steel jacks lifted the 10,000 ton building from its foundation, placing it on steel rails that acted as rollers, pulling the structure across the street with six heavy chains, 72 pulleys and two teams of horses at the rate of “a foot a minute.” The building was rotated 90 degrees to its present position and cut in two, so that a 30-foot section could be added to accommodate 300 additional parishioners. - their website

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 
west of Ashland
zoomed below
east of Ashland
vacant land
west of Ashland
zoomed below
east of Ashland
school but no church yet
zoomed below
west of Ashland
church becomes hall with rectory shown
east of Ashland
both church & school shown
zoomed below
school east of Ashland
1911 postcard - Chuckman Collection
 1905 photo hayride with school in the background
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
 both church & school east of Ashland
photos - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
photo above - Chicago & The Mid-West/Newberry Library
zoomed views below
photo below 
 House of Worship/ Chicago Ancestors
The Church's Move East 
After being moved, the church was also turned around and lengthened at that same time. The church weighed in at 10,000 tons and it was moved at “A foot a minute”
all photos below
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
this particular photo below 
is from Chicagoland Chicago Catholic 
Dedication in 1929
photo below
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection

Interior Views
of the Church
by Eric Allix Roger
a 2017 aerial view below
by Tom McDonald via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
The Widening
of Ashland Avenue
by The Edgewater Historical District
1916 proposal map
postcard - Ebay
The idea of widening Ashland Avenue dates back in the 19th century. The Chicago Tribune reported in 1873, that Ashland was widened from W. Division Street to Milwaukee Ave, and again in December 1874, that Ashland was widened 100 feet from Madison Street to the South Branch of the Chicago River. The connection of the street north of the North Branch of the Chicago River was finally realized between 1924 and 1927 hence connecting its separated sections from just north of Devon Avenue to 95th Street.
Ashland initially was a standard 66-foot-wide residential street. A section of 17 feet was taken from the property on each side to increase the width to 100 feet. While part of the cost was financed by the issuance of bonds, part was financed by special assessments paid by owners of property on each side of the street – owners who had part of their property taken for the improvement (and asserted increase in value) which the widening was expected to achieve.
view of the new and widen Ashland Avenue
view north from Lawrence Avenue

and then merged 
with ...
Catholic Church
District of Lake View
Community of Uptown
Neighborhood of Buena Park
photo - Brnyrk

The Parish on St. Mary of the Lake was established in 1901. The first Mass being celebrated on October 2nd at Horace Greeley Public School.  Rev. Msgr. John J. Dennison was the founding pastor and served for over half a century. In 1902 the first Mass was celebrated in the temporary church. The cornerstone was laid in 1913 for the current church, designed by Henry J. Schlaks.The current rectory was dedicated in 1916.  Construction also commenced for the first two floors of the current school building, which was dedicated in December.  The school is staffed by the Sisters of Mercy and dedicated laypeople. The present church on Buena Avenue was dedicated on May 20th, 1917. The cost of construction was $127,000. 

Saint Mary of the Lake merged with Our Lady of Lourdes on July 1, 2021 formed one new parish, as a result of Renew My Church Restructuring Project. The parish is named Saint Mary of the Lake and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish; the main worship site and ministry center is Saint Mary's site, while the Our Lady of Lourdes site is open for Sunday worship.

1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
what the neighborhood looked like in 1894
X marks the spot of the future parish church & school
by 1905 the church is shown
zoomed view below
Church School Rectory 
zoomed view below
postcard - Ebay
St Mary's in green
Our Lady of Lourdes in blue
now a combined parish
and then 
St. Andrews in purple
The Interior Church Views

 photo - Theughfull
above and below photos - Theughfull 
photo below - Nishan P via Yelp
Brubaker, C. William, 1975
Explore Chicago Collection via University of Chicago 
photo below - their website
Some 2018 Winter Scenes
by photographer Chris Cullen

Lourdes school & rectory sold
to be converted into residenical units
in 2023

The History in a Nutshell
A 1905 Sanborn Fire Insurance View
zoomed view below
3rd floor had a theater & lodge
a 2016 Google view
school to the left & rectory to the right
Now it's Surplus
Febuary 2024
The Battle to Preserve
The Convent 
of the Sacred Heart 
Preparatory Catholic School 
1907 - 1927ish
District of Lake View
3540 Pine Grove Avenue
'In 1876, just five years after the Great Chicago Fire, Mother Elizabeth Tucker and three other Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) arrived from St. Louis to open a school for young women. They found a bustling town and moved into a small house on Dearborn Street, which their school quickly outgrew. The sisters joined the building boom, erecting a building at State Street and Chicago Avenue adjacent to Holy Name Cathedral. At this new facility, the religious operated two schools: the Academy, which had an enrollment of approximately 100, and a parish school, known as the Cathedral School, whose enrollment soon swelled to more than 650.' - their website
In 1904, the sisters relocated the Academy to a large residence on North Clark Street and then in 1907, purchased twin houses on 
[3540 N] Pine Grove Avenue in the Lake View neighborhood. 
By 1927 a move was necessary due to a growing student population to 6250 N Sheridan Road.' - their website
photo - Ebay
 1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
 1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
gone by this time
and replaced with a vacant lot and a garage with shops on Broadway. The garage would be retrofit for the Jewel building 
The entrance to the garage is shown below. The storefronts would become their parking lot
Google Earth Aerial View 2021
Catholic Parish 
District of Lake View 
Community of Lincoln Park
photo - Wikipedia

St. Clement Catholic Church was built in 1917–1918 [still regarded as the District of Lake View]. The architect was Thomas P. Barnett of the St. Louis firm of Barnett, Haynes & Barnett. The church under construction in 1917–18, covered in American flags [the country was involved in WWI at that time]. The church was built in a Byzantine style reminiscent of the church of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. The decoration of the half-dome behind the high altar is a copy of the twelfth- or thirteenth-century mosaic in the apse of the Basilica of San Clemente al Laterano in Rome. The ground to begin building the church was broken on March 19, 1917. The church is also affiliated with a school, for which ground was broken on October 18, 1905. The school used to be both a church and a school before the current church was built. Saint Clement School serves children in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. - Wikipedia

1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Mapszoomed view below

a small change in this 1950 map below
(to enlarge)
1930 photos below - Fr. Ramil E. Fajardo
 via Forgotten Chicago on Facebook
postcard below - Ebay

A More Modern Look by 2017
by Joe Huberts
via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook

Their Facebook Views
below photo - Tom McDonald 
via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
of Holy Souls
Congregation of Catholic Nuns
3030 N (Inner) Lake Shore Drive
Community of Lake View
once part former Authur Meeker Mansion
the chapel was once located behind the mansion

'The chapel looked a lot older than it was. It was constructed in the 1940's, in the traditional style, to serve the nuns of the Society of Helpers of Holy Souls, which made its home in an adjacent mansion on Lake Shore Drive and Barry. The great house, designed by architect Charles Pratt was built in 1913 for Arthur Meeker, general manager of Armour & Company, the meatpacking colossus. It was part of a general exodus of Chicago's wealthy from the once exclusive Prairie Avenue on the near south side. By 1945, the 16,000 square-foot Meeker mansion was in the hands of Society of the Holy Souls. According to a Chicago Reader article by Ben Joravsky, it was around this time that the chapel/solarium was built. In 1993, their numbers in decline, the nuns invited AIDSCare to convert the mansion to a residential facility serving people with that disease, the former coach house serving as offices. The chapel both groups shared. In 2005, the order, down to 10 nuns, sold the 1.6 acre complex for $21,000,000 to LR Development, and AIDS-Care was rendered an eviction notice. LR Development sold off the property in pieces.  Where the chapel once stood, there is now empty ground. It was demolished over a two-week period in March of 2008.' 

 Sanborn Fire Insurance 1950 Map 
zoomed view below
The Meeker Mansion
in 1923
2021 Google Earth view
Demo Views
photos - Susanne Schnell via Holy Souls End 

current location via Google view
once located at 309 W Barry Avenue
a 2009 Google Map views of the area along 
Inner LSD between Barry & Wellington Avenues

Post Notes:
This post is part of a 6 part series of blog posts about 
'Houses of Worship' according to faith. Most Houses of Worship have attached schools on their private property that I may or may not be highlight in any of these posts. These following posts only briefly narrate a particular institution and 'pray' I did not forget one.

 Read the list of all types of churches as of 1905:

Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!

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